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Saturday, February 26, 2011

video streaming

Edit Your Videos To Get Online Attention
By cristhoper fowers
Online video sharing is flooding the world with amateur media. This article discusses the basics of video editing, video editing software, video formats and posting videos online. VIDEO EDITING
Video editing can turn average footage into a masterpiece. o Length
The length of your video will greatly depend on the site you choose to host your video, the video format and how you compress the file. Online videos should be short and entertainment rich. VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE

The best video editing software has a number of video, photo and audio editing tools, special effects, like transitions, slow motion, etc., and good help and support.
The video format you choose will largely depend on compatibility of your video editing software and the site you choose to host your video. Here are some of the common video formats:
AVI - Audio Video Interleave, file extension .avi, was introduced by Microsoft in 1992 and contains audio and video. Some video share sites still support AVI, but this isn't the best option for posting videos online.
WMV - Windows Media Video, file extension .wmv, is a subset of ASF. Most video share sites support WMV files.
Most video share sites support MPEG and even recommend MPEG for high quality. Only a handful of video share services support flash and most amateur video producers don't delve into Flash.
If a video is shared privately, the video is password protected or the producer has to send the video to selected viewers. Public videos are available to the world.
Video Streaming Advertising for Small Business - Tips and Guides
By micheal Fletcher-jones
First of all, let me disclose that I'm a producer of streaming videos and online advertising. I've ybeen making commercials and online tours using streaming video for local businesses in Perth, Western Australia for about the last three 
years, after coming from a background in film and television. From
what I've experienced, there's a steep learning curve and a methodology particular to streaming video, not only in a technical or production sense, but also in terms of business use and marketing.
If you're like me, you've probably done your fair share of googling for information about streaming video and how it works. A typical selection of articles will focus on the greater trend of streaming
video in terms of a global or nationwide user base. I'll gather that you're already aware of whyou want to use streaming video (or audio) on the internet. WHO should I get to produce my streaming video?
This can be dependant on the level of presentation you want for your video. Sorry if this causes offence. To a certain extent a typical audience will endure a less than professional image or sound
quality if your final video is incredibly entertaining and engaging. It's fine for basic video blogging, but doesn't cut the mustard when it comes to online advertising.
The production standards are likewise less of a concern in the personal video blogging domain, but generally sub-par production standards reflect badly on a business website, no matter what the content. If you're in business and you value your business image, you need to stay at a genuinely high standard of presentation. If you do decide to go down the DIY route, you'll have to accept that you will require some basic training and practice in video production. At the opposite end of the spectrum you have your larger video production companies who traditionally produce corporate videos for DVDs and commercials for TV. To give you some idea, you can look at any of the samples on the video showcase page of the Online AURA website. Oh yes, and make sure they're actually specialists in video production, not an IT or web design company. If there's a single major determinent of quality, it's basic video craft - from scripting, to lighting, to editing and image grading. The process of finally encoding a high-quality master into a streaming video format (e.g. Windows media, Flash etc.), adding it to your website or into a new webpage is a relatively simple task.

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